Lifestyle, Education, Training, Coaching, Projectleadership, Evaluation World’s consciousness, Transforming of Consulting and Social and human economic perception. Only Supporting and Inspiring. Impuls for a kind of hybrid working and life creation. Coworking including physical and virtual shared Inspirations and Ideas and workplace.
People with a clear Vision and understanding of the necessary for transforming of society and human wold into the next level of Being.
Hatoro Foundation would be a platform and a Coworking space for such kind of people to create Projects together and invite other people for Presentations and lectures.
Hatoro Foundation can simultaneously show and wear the hats of visionary, operation and innovation while thriving as a community and a movement (Hatorofoundation is a movement) and cultural creator.
The HATOROFOUNDATION endeavours to be a true platform for the transformation of society and humanity, believing in the sustainability of all its aspects. Exploring our growth along purely ecological lines and challenging human, social and economic perceptions.
Being creative, adventurous and easily recognising like minded people, with the ability to perceive and inspire the thoughtful Avant Garde – with a vibrant satisfaction of achievement, you all are invited to participate in this transformation of society and humanity.
Our network is a truly global connective of people from all regions of the world, for the world. By combining our thoughts and ideas, we are opening up and examining the social stages of life and the human existence.
Examining potential accomplishments through the freedom of thought (thinking and feeling outside the box), with self - determination and disconnection from the social question.
We are people who no longer simply believe every story our so-called society and civilization feed us to make believe.
The HATORO FOUNDATION supports wisdom of the heart and the power of transition.
Offering another way of thinking, behaving and understanding, everything can be different ... a completely new opportunity recognising and collaborating with other individuals to create an even more powerful people’s organization.
The really important and sustainable parts, is the groundbreaking projects being developed and with a view to being implemented. Creations, ambitions, conceptions, awareness and solutions are welcomed on every imaginable level.
Think Tank – true epochal building “The New “ is found – creatively, but is also created. People work without financial strength, detached from blocks of special interests and in pure independence with a common goal - together.
We are convinced, that in this context - music, art, culture, compositions, literature and photography, play a decisive role.
Ideas for the future – conversation topics of the Earth and our values – our obstacles … the answers to these, we find in ourselves!